BornAugust 17, 1887 and died June 10, 1940; Marcus Mosiah Garvey ONH was only 53 when he died but had already lived a full life early until the system broke him.
Yesterday July 20, marked a significant day for his legacy. The date is recognized as the. birth of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Many of us don’t get to read about this Jamaican scholar who single handedly changed the way African Americans think. He gave hope and purpose. Within 3 years he had enrolled over 2 million people under the UNIA.
Marcus Garvey was broken by the time he reach the youthful age of 35. But his body of work was already in play. Governments thought that he was too powerful being black. They pressured him, his business and his organization.
He truly believed in his work in the advancement of negroes. I am proud of the work of Marcus Moziah Garvey. It was great reading about a fellow Jamaica who served in th Diaspora.
Take some time to read why Jamaica made him a national Hero.