Member-only story
I now acknowledge and accept our seven national heroes (Marcus Garvey, Paul Bogle, George Willian Gordon, Nanny, Alexander Bustamante, Norman Manley, Sam Sharpe) being awarded the highest national honors in our great nation. I strongly concur.
It's time, however, that we name the eighth such individual. I believe Bob Marley deserves such an award to represent the people who fight as ordinary citizens, achieving greatness through their passion for their careers. A person should not only be considered a national hero because they gave their lives for causes, or because they fight in riots and wars, or due to political affiliation, but also because they represent the principles of living today, hard work, and commitment. Also, their life's work serves as a guide and a model to all.
None other has done the great things that Marley has done for Jamaica. He is a nationally and internationally recognized figure, impacting the lives of every Jamaican, whether you live at home or abroad. He has influenced Jamaica's growth economic(ally), social(ally), spiritua(ally), cultur(ally), and uplifted our visibility on the world stage so much that all the other ( are fruitfully prospering. Kudos Bob.
Bob Marley for NATIONAL HERO
Happy Birthday Bob Marley.
I hope you get the status you genuinely deserve.