Not much is known about Nanny of the Maroons. Her history is recorded mostly from hearsay and words of mouth. The one thing is clear, in 1976 and beyond Jamaica needed a female hero. and Nanny was right there to claim that status. We need more female heroes today. Women talk the talk and they walk the walk. They are the finest leaders on earth. I am speaking from experience. I work with many women everyday. I know.
We need many more female political leaders. They are the truth bearers, the ethics carriers and the strength in leadership we hope to have.
Though we don’t always see it, but Nanny as a model, intrinsically presents strength, wisdom, and honor in many Jamaicans in Jamaica and around the world. The fights she fought against the English, though physical war fare, are learning opportunities on which all Jamaicans, no matter where we are, fight against inequalities, inequities and injustices on the job, social and political platforms or anywhere. Truss mi, “Nuh baddy cyaah tep pon or tep ova wi widout repercussions”. We fight, crawl and hop till we overcome. Nuttn nah tap wi. It’s the Nanny in us. A chru!
Yesterday I wrote on Marcus Moziah Garvey. Today I write on Nanny. Two different kinds of fighters against the down trodden. But both are larger than life itself, in my book. Big ups Nanny. We need to elevate some more of you among us. One love.